Friday, September 22, 2023

Top 10 excuse for not doing Unit testing and Code reviews

 Top 10 excuse for not doing Unit testing and Code reviews


If you have been doing software development for couple of years, then you definitely know advantages of code review and unit test, but you do agree that, though it is widely regarded and accepted as best practice, it not always used as much.

Top 10 Excuses for Avoiding Unit Testing and Code Reviews

While unit testing and code reviews are widely recognized as best practices in software development, the reality is that they are not always embraced as fervently as they should be. Despite their numerous benefits, developers and teams often find themselves making excuses to avoid or delay these essential activities. Here are the top 10 excuses for not prioritizing unit testing and code reviews:

1. Tight Schedules and Timely Delivery:

"We acknowledge the benefits of unit testing and code reviews, but our project timelines are so tight that we can't afford the extra time required for these activities."

2. QA's Responsibility:

"We are paid to write code, and QA is responsible for testing it. Why should we do their job?"

3. Trust in QA's Expertise:

"Our QA team is exceptionally skilled at finding bugs. We have confidence in their ability to catch issues without the need for extensive testing on our part."

4. Post-Release Code Reviews:

"Let's focus on getting the release out the door first. We can always conduct code reviews after the software is deployed. The business has been waiting for this for a long time."

5. Fear of Conflict:

"Code reviews can sometimes lead to conflicts, especially when dealing with developers with strong egos. It's easier to skip them to maintain a harmonious atmosphere."

6. Time Constraints vs. Testing:

"I would love to write unit tests for all my classes, but it will take twice as long to complete this feature. Do you want me to prioritize writing tests over delivering features?"

7. Planned But Delayed Testing:

"Unit testing is on our roadmap, and we intend to revisit it once we have some breathing room in our schedule. Right now, we're swamped with other tasks."

8. Build Speed Concerns:

"Unit tests can slow down our build process significantly. Our agile team relies on a fast build environment, and we can't afford the delay."

9. Monthly Code Reviews:

"I enjoy code reviews, but I wish they were a regular occurrence, at least once a month. It's hard to keep up the momentum when they're infrequent."

10. Code Reviews for Inattentive Programmers:

"Code reviews are more for those developers who don't pay attention while coding. Since we take care to write quality code, we believe they're not necessary for us."

In conclusion, while these excuses may be tempting in the face of tight deadlines, conflicting priorities, and ego considerations, the benefits of unit testing and code reviews cannot be overstated. Embracing these practices leads to better code quality, fewer bugs, improved collaboration, and ultimately, more robust software. It's essential for development teams to recognize the value of these practices and prioritize them in their software development lifecycle. After all, the long-term benefits far outweigh the short-term challenges.

That's all folks, let me know what is your excuse of not doing of code review?

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