Hello guys, if you are wondering how to use WebClient on Spring Framework and looking for simple how to examples of WebClient then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared 10 example of RestTemplate in Spring Framework and in this article, I Am going to share 10 example of WebClient in Spring. These examples covers everything from sending GET request to REST API and consuming response, and also sending POST, PUT, and PATCH request to RESTful Web Services. You will also learn how to set header like Basic Authentication and Authorization header, cookies and much more.
Learn Java and Programming through articles, code examples, and tutorials for developers of all levels.
Top 20 Firebase Interview Questions and Answers for Developers
Difference between wait() and join() methods in Java Multithreading? [Answered]
Difference between Callable and Runnable in Java? call() vs run() method
What is Volatile Variable in Java? When to Use it? Example
The volatile variable in Java is a special variable that is used to signal threads and compilers and runtime optimizers like JIT that the value of this particular variable is going to be updated by multiple threads inside the Java application. By making a variable volatile using the volatile keyword in Java, the application programmer ensures that its value should always be read from the main memory and the thread should not use the cached value of that variable from their own stack. With the introduction of the Java memory model from Java 5 onwards along with the introduction of CountDownLatch, CyclicBarrier, Semaphore, and ConcurrentHashMap.
Difference between synchronized block and method in Java? Thread Example
Producer Consumer Problem with Wait and Notify - Thread Example Tutorial
Java CountDownLatch Example for Beginners - [Multithreading Tutorial]
2 Ways to Read a Text File in Java? BufferredReader and Scanner Examples
How to do Inter process communication in Java? MemoryMapped File Example Tutorial
Why wait() and notify() method should be called inside a loop in Java? Example
Java CyclicBarrier Example for Beginners [Multithreading Tutorial]
Difference between wait and sleep in Java Thread? Example
How to Sort ArrayList of Objects by Fields in Java? Custom + Reversed Order Sorting Comparator Example
How to send Email in Java using Spring Framework? JavaMailSenderImpl Example Tutorial
How to Delete Objects from ArrayList in Java? ArrayList.remove() method Example
How to convert an ArrayList to Array in Java? Example
ArrayList.contains(), size(), clear, asList(), subList(), toArray(), and isEmpty() Example in Java
ArrayList in Java is one of the most popular Collection classes. ArrayList is an implementation of the List interface via AbstractList abstract class and provides an ordered and an index-based way to store elements. Java ArrayList is analogous to an array, which is also index-based. In fact, ArrayList in Java is internally backed by an array, which allows them to get constant time performance for retrieving elements by index. Since an array is fixed length and you can not change their size, once created, Programmers, starts using ArrayList, when they need a dynamic way to store object, i.e. which can re-size itself. See the difference between Array and List for more differences.
How to read a File line by line in Java 8 ? BufferedReader lines() + Stream Examples
Difference between HashSet, TreeSet, and LinkedHashSet in Java
10 Examples of ArrayList in Java
How to Fix Reference Error: $ is not defined in jQuery and JavaScript [Solved]
How to fix java.net.SocketException: Broken pipe, Connection reset, and Too many open files in Java?
How to fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in Java?
How to Fix Spring Boot cannot access REST Controller on localhost (404) Error in Java
Hello guys, if you are getting "cannot access REST Controller on localhost (404)" error in your Spring Boot application and wondering how to solve it then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared how to solved 5 common Spring Framework errors and exception and in this article, we will take a look at the spring boot can’t access rest controller on localhost (404) issue. A 404 Not Found Error for your REST Controllers is a relatively typical problem that many developers encounter while working with Spring Boot applications. In this Spring boot tutorial, let's explore why such an error took place, and later on, we will learn how to fix this issue.
25 Examples of ConcurrentHashMap in Java
2 Ways to sort a Map in Java by Keys? TreeMap and HashMap Example
How to Remove Entry (key/value) from HashMap in Java while Iterating? Example Tutorial
How does HTTP Request is handled in Spring MVC? DispatcherServlet Example Tutorial
How to Convert a List to Map in Java 8 - Example Tutorial
How to use Stream and Lambda Expressions to write better code in Java? Examples
What is Default or Defender Methods in Java 8? Tutorial Example
11 Examples of LocalDate, LocalTime, and LocalDateTime in Java 8
How to Convert Stream to List, Set, and Collection in Java 8? Example Tutorial
Difference between Hibernate, JPA, MyBatis
How to test a Spring Boot application in Java? @SpringBootTest Example
7 Reasons of NOT using SELECT * in a Production SQL Query? Best Practices
How to convert varchar to Date in SQL
You can convert it directly with the CONVERT function by using the style 112 = ISO = yyyymmdd:
DECLARE @date int;
SET @date = 20070701
SELECT CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(varchar(8), @date), 112)
SELECT CONVERT(datetime, '20070701', 112)
You can get this error Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime.
that error came because we were comparing a datetime with int without converting later to datetime.
X.PriceDt < A.PrimaryDate
this will fix this
X.ClosePriceDate < CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(varchar(8), A.PrimaryDate), 112))
How to use Stream allMatch() and anyMatch() function in Java? Example Tutorial
Hello friends, we all know how streams are super important for our day-to-day needs in Java programming and coding nowadays. It allows us to filter data in memory in a declarative way, it also allows us to transform objects as well create a complex Stream pipeline to represent our business logic in a declarative fashion. But, do we know all the stream functionalities? Of course not. Earlier, we have seen examples of filter(), map, flatMap, and findFirst() method and today we will learn two of the most important stream functions anyMatch() and allMatch(). So what’s the wait? Let's start!
How to use Stream findFirst and findAny function in Java? Example Tutorial
Hello friends, here we are again on the journey of Java excited and eager to find the next stop of knowledge. But do not worry my friends, continuing the java stream series further, today we will deep dive into two other functions of streams that are equally important and interesting. Let me start by providing a situation that you guys can analyze and then we will discuss it. Let’s say you have data coming into your code through an API call. Now, you have no idea what the stream of data would be but you want the first element present in it. So, stream provides a function for the same. Let’s see what it is and how it is written.