10 Essential JVM Options for Production Java Applications

Hello guys, this is a brief guide of appropriate JVM options, which you will often see in production Java systems. As a Java developer, you should know what these JVM options mean, their importance, and how they affect your application. You will find that most of the JVM options are related to heap memory, garbage collection and to log some details, like heap dump, necessary for troubleshooting heap-related issues like a memory leak or excessive memory consumption. It's Ok if you don't know these Java virtual machine options yet, but you should be familiar with them, and that's the objective of this article. Btw, how do you find the JVM options your application is using? Well, you can see the startup scripts through which your application is started.

How to Schedule Spring Professional Certification Exam (VMware EDU-1202) Online? [Guide]

Hello folks, even since Pivotal made the mandatory training optional for Spring certification, I have been writing a lot about Spring 5.0 Core Professional exam here. In the past, I have written about general preparation tips, books, coursesmock tests. So, after months of hard work and preparation, you are finally ready for the day. In order to schedule for the Spring certification exam, you first need to buy an exam voucher from Vmware's website. If you have taken their training course like the Core Spring training course, then you also receive a free voucher for 1 attempt.

Top 13 Free Java 8 Certification Sample Questions - OCAJP8 and OCPJP8 - 1Z0-808 and 1Z0-809 Exam Dumps

Hello guys, Java SE 11 certifications are already out but not many people are not going for it because of the difficulty level. If you want to become a certified Java developer then Java SE 8 is still the best possible option. If you are preparing for Oracle Java SE 8 Certifications, like OCAJP8 and OCJP8, also known as exams 1Z0-808 and 1Z0-809, and looking for some free practice tests, then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared the best Java certification courses, and in this article, I am going to share some of the best OCAJP 8 and OCPJP 8 mock tests available for free of cost online, so that you can check your speed and accuracy before the real exam.