Learn Java and Programming through articles, code examples, and tutorials for developers of all levels.
How to Create Java Project with Maven in Eclipse - Step by Step Guide
Difference between Type 1, 2, 3 and 4 JDBC Driver in Java? Example
3 ways to create random numbers in a range in Java - Examples
Difference between OCAJP7, OCAJP8, and OCAJP11 Certification - 1Z0-803 vs 1Z0-808 vs 1Z0-815
10 Example of jQuery Selectors for Beginners
5 ways to redirect a web page using JavaScript and jQuery
Difference between OCAJP and OCPJP Certification Exams for Java Programmers
How to combine two Map in Java? Example Tutorial
How to Convert a List of String to Comma Separated String (CSV) in Java 8? Example
Can you join two unrelated tables in SQL? Cross Join Example
java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysql [Solution]
How to use BigDecimal in Java? Example
Difference between Daemon Thread vs User Thread in Java? Example
How to Fix java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver in Java [Solution]
Cause : In order to connect to MySQL database, you need JDBC driver for MySQL. A class that implements java.sql.Driver interface for MySQL. Every vendor is responsible to implement this class for their databases. This driver implementation is provided by MySQL as MySQL java connector library. There is a class called com.mysql.jdbc.Driver which implements this interface.
How to join two threads in Java? Thread.join() example
How to stop a thread in Java? Example
5 Examples of Enhanced for loop in Java
How to solve Arithmetic overflow error converting IDENTITY to data type tinyint, smallint or int in Microsoft SQL Server database
Difference between the getRequestDispatcher and getNamedDispatcher in ServletContext? Example
How to Fix java.net.SocketException: Broken pipe in Java - Cause and Solution
- The user closed the browser before the page loaded.
- Their internet connection failed during loading.
- They went to another page before the page loaded.
- The browser timed the connection out before the page loaded (would have to be a large page).
How to Fix "Can not find the tag library descriptor for “http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core” - Cause and Solution
How to get current Page URL, Path, and hash using jQuery? Example, Tutorial
How to Fix with java.net.SocketException: Connection reset Exception in Java? Examples
Top 5 Java EE Mistakes Java Web Developers should Avoid - Example
How to get current Day, Month, Year from Date in Java? LocalDate vs java.util.Date Example
How to Convert a LinkedList to an Array in Java? Example
How to convert int array to ArrayList of Integer in Java 8? [Example/Tutorial]
How to use Callable Statement in Java to call Stored Procedure? JDBC Example
JDBC - How to connect MySQL database from Java program with Example
JDBC - How to connect Eclipse to Oracle Database - Step by Step Guide Example
How to Convert Hostname to IP Address in Java - InetAddress Example
How to Convert a Comma Separated String to an ArrayList in Java - Example Tutorial
float and double data types in Java with Examples
How to Run External Program, Command Prompt, and Batch files from Eclipse Console ? Example Tips
How to Show Open Save File Dialog in Java Swing Application? JFileChooser Example
public int showSaveDialog(Component parent)
where the parent is the parent component of the dialog, such as a JFrame.
20+ JMS Interview Questions and Answers for Java Programmers
Java - Convert String to Short Example
How to Fix Access restriction: The type BASE64Decoder is not accessible due to restriction Error in Eclipse? [Solution]
How to Fix java.lang.classnotfoundexception oracle.jdbc.driver.oracledriver [Solved]
Cause : When you connect to Oracle database from Java program, your program loads the implementation of Driver interface provided by the database vendor using class.forName() method, which throws ClassNotFoundException when driver class is not found in classpath. In case of Oracle the driver implementation is oracle.jdbc.driver.oracledriver and "java.lang.classnotfoundexception oracle.jdbc.driver.oracledriver" error indicate that this class is not available in classpath. Since this class is bundled into ojdbc6.jar, its usually the case of this JAR not present in Classpath
10 Things about Threads Every Java Programmer Should Know
5 Difference between BufferedReader and Scanner class in Java? Example
How to Set Specific Java Version for Maven in Windows? Example Steps
How to Fix javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target in Java
Difference between int and Integer Types in Java? Example
Difference between WHERE and HAVING clause in SQL? Example
Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate Review
Data analysis is almost the same as data science. Still, it deals less with machine learning and artificial intelligence and focuses more on generating insight into the company data by connecting patterns and trends with the company goal. The concept of data analysis is not actually new, and people are using this science hundred of years ago, but the concept becomes famous when computers come to life in the last decade.
Data analytics helps marketers and
companies understand their customer’s behavior, so they can decide what’s good
offers to drive to them and transform the education, healthcare industry, and
many more, to name a few. Learning data science is not that hard since you will
not understand many programming languages or deal with artificial intelligence.
Hence, if you plan to have these skills in
under six months, you should probably take this program called Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate
offered by Google through the Coursera platform.
1. The Instructors Review
This specialization offers by an initiative
called Grow With Google, which last collaborates with different schools,
universities, and organizations to launch courses that teach people digital
skills such as programming, marketing, data analysis, and more. They have
gained millions of students worldwide since 2017, which is the year this
initiative has come to live.
2. Course Content
2.1. Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere
This first section will teach you how data
analysis uses data analytics to make decisions for their companies and how
analytical thinking can drive decision-making. Later you will learn about the
data phases and tools used by data analytics and exploring some of the tools
used by data analytics, such as SQL and spreadsheets. Finally, learn the
specific job that these people do for their businesses.
2.2. Ask Questions to Make Data-Driven Decisions
Before you analyze your data, you have to
ask some questions that you have to answer by analyzing your data to learn the
common analysis challenges and how to address them. Next, you will explore all
kinds of data you will face during your journey in the data analysis and share
this through reports and dashboards and explore how data analysis uses
spreadsheets in their daily routine.
2.3. Prepare Data for Exploration
You will start by learning how people
generate their data and how you, as a data analyst, will decide which data to
collect for your analysis. You will also learn how to identify the different
bases in your data and extract data from the database. Finally, you will learn
how the organization keeps the data safe and secure.
2.4. Process Data from Dirty to Clean
You will learn why data integrity is so
important for successful decision-making and discovering the different data
structures. Before you start analyzing data, you have to clean it first, so
this section will teach you the different tools used to clean the data, such as
using SQL language. Finally, you will find out the process of verifying and
reporting data cleaning.
2.5. Analyze Data to Answer Questions
You will begin by understanding the
importance of organizing the data and how to achieve this using spreadsheet and
SQL language. Next, you will also learn how to convert and format your data
using SQL language. Later, you will see how to combine data from multiple
database tables and perform data calculations using SQL and spreadsheets.
2.6. Share Data Through the Art of Visualization
Before you start making visualization of
your data, you first learn the key concepts like design thinking that play an
important role in data visualization. Also, you will start exploring Tableau
for data visualization and make some simple visualization and learn how to
develop presentations and slideshows.
2.7. Data Analysis with R Programming
Starting this section by discovering the R
programming language that is used for data analysis and how to use its IDE
called R studio. Next, you will start learning the concepts of the R language
and how to use its functions and also apply these functions to data for
analysis purposes. Later, you will gain some knowledge of data visualization
using the R language.
2.8. Google Data Analytics Capstone
This last section will allow you to
showcase your skills to your employee after completing this specialization by
choosing an analytics-based scenario and asking questions about the problem you
are trying to solve, preparing the data, analyzing them, and visualizing the
final result.
Data analysis is one of the best skills to
have if you will be a data scientist or even going to create your own company
since this will help you understand your market size and however you are going
to solve this problem.
Difference between == and === Equal Operator in JavaScript
What is Thread and Runnable in Java? Example
What is blank final variable in Java - Example
Access Modifiers in Java - Public, Private, Protected, and Package Examples
Top 50 Servlet and Filter Interview Questions Answers for Java/JEE developers
How to display date in multiple timezone in Java with Example - PST GMT
JDBC - How to Convert java.sql.Date to java.util.Date in Java with Example
5 Essential JDK 7 Features for Java Programmers
It's close to a year now JDK 7 or Java 7 has been released, still, programmer asks what is new in Java 7 ? What is the best feature introduced in JDK7, where is the list of all Java 7 new features, etc? I thought to let's document Top 5 new features introduced in Java 7 for easy reference, this will not only answer What is new in Java 7 but also provide a quick overview of What are those features in Java 7. Java 7 introduced many new features in Java programming language like try-catch with a resource, String in Switch, etc but it also makes a lot of changes on Java Development API by introducing a new File API in Java and several other minor changes. Like you can now find hidden files from the Java programs without applying any hack. anyway let's see my list of Top 5 Java 7 features :
Difference between DOM vs SAX Parser in Java - XML Parsing in Java
DOM and SAX parser are the two most popular parsers used in the Java programming language to parse XML documents. DOM and SAX concept is originally XML concept and Java programming language just provide an API to implement these parsers. Despite both DOM and SAX are used in XML parsing, they are completely different from each other. In fact difference between DOM and SAX parser is a popular Java interview question asked during Java and XML interviews. DOM and SAX parser has a different way of working, which makes Java programmer understand the difference between DOM and SAX parser even more important.
How to configure Daily Log File Rolling in Java using Log4j - DailyRollingFileAppender Example
Difference between static and non static nested class in Java? Example
Eclipse and NetBeans Keyboard Shortcuts for Java Programmers - Example
How to read file in Java using Scanner Example - text files
How to convert int value to a Long object in Java? Examples
Difference between Primary key vs Candidate Key in SQL Database? Example
How to Create Random Alphabetic or AlphaNumeric String of given length in Java? SecureRandom Example
How to Order and Sort Objects in Java? Comparator and Comparable Example
Difference between int and Integer data type in Java? Example
JDBC - How to get Row and Column Count From ResultSet in Java? Example
Difference between Clustered and Non-Clustered Indexes in Database? SQL Question Answer
The difference between Clustered and Nonclustered index in a relational database is one of the most popular SQL interview questions almost as popular as the primary key vs unique key, the difference between truncate and delete, and correlated vs noncorrelated subqueries. Indexes are a very important concept, it makes your queries run fast and if you compare a SELECT query which uses an indexed column to one who doesn't you will see a big difference in performance.
How to use jQuery First time? HelloWorld Example
jQuery is nothing but a JavaScript library that comes with rich functionalities. It's small and faster than many JavaScript codes written by an average web developer. By using jQuery we can write less code and do more things, it makes web developer's tasks very easy. In simple words, jQuery is a collection of several useful methods, which can be used to accomplish many common tasks in JavaScript. A couple of lines of jQuery code can do things that need too many JavaScript lines to accomplish. The true power of jQuery comes from its CSS-like selector, which allows it to select any element from DOM and modify, update or manipulate it.
How to convert Timestamp to Date in Java?JDBC Example Tutorial
Difference between throw vs throws in Java? Answer
How to read User Input from Console in Java? Scanner Example
How to Find IP address of localhost or a Server in Java? Example
Can You Create Instance of Abstract class in Java? Answer
Difference between include directive, include action and JSTL import tag in JSP? Answer
include directive
JSP include action
and JSTL import tag
The include directive provides static inclusion. It adds the content of the resource specified by its file attribute, which could be HTML, JSP, or any other resource at translation time.
Any change you make in the file to be included after JSP is translated will not be picked up by the include directive.
Difference between Primary key vs Unique key in SQL Database? Answer
The primary key and unique key are two important concepts in a relational database and are used to uniquely identify a row in a table. Both primary key and unique keys can identify a row uniquely but there is some subtle difference between them which we will see in this article. In fact, primary key vs unique is a popular SQL interview question along with classics like truncate vs delete and How to manage transactions in a database, mostly asked to fresher and 2 to 3 years experience guys in any programming language. SQL is not just limited to any DBA or PLSQL developer but it's an important skill even for Java programmers and you can expect SQL interview questions even in many Java interviews.