15 People Java Developers Should Follow on Twitter

If you are passionate about Java and would like to follow Java bloggers into Twitter then here is my list of 15 people you can follow on Twitter to keep yourself up-to-date and engage in the Java world. These people regularly share the latest things in Java, JVM, Spring, Hibernate, and other Java technology. By following them, you will not only know about their latest work but also what's happening in the Java world. You might be thinking just 15 people, well, there are many more who is not on this list but I regularly share their Twitter handles via my Twitter account @javinpaul and @Javarevisited. If you are following me then you will automatically get to know about them.

15 People Java Programmers can follow on Twitter

Anyway, without further ado, here is my list of people every Java developer should follow on Twitter:

1. Joshua Bloch
Former chief Java architect at Google and distinguished engineer at Sun Microsystems. Lead on the Java Collections Framework, java.math, and the assert mechanism. Author/co-author of Effective Java and Java Puzzlers, two of the great books for Java developers.

2. Brian Goetz
Java Language Architect at Oracle. Steward of the Java 8 language features. Lead author of Java Concurrency in Practice, and one of my favorite authors. If you want to learn Concurrency in-depth, read his book and if you want to know about the latest JSR features Brian is working, follow him on Twitter.

3. Rich Hickey
Creator of the Clojure language. Clojure is a Lisp-like functional language that runs on the JVM and fully interoperates with Java. Created the functional database Datomic.

4. Martin Odersky
Creator of the Scala language. Scala is an object-functional hybrid language that runs on the JVM and fully interoperates with Java. Odersky is the author of Programming in Scala. He also created Generic Java, the precursor to Java SE 5 generics.

5. Bert Bates
Bert Bates is a programming instructor and game developer. Formerly a master trainer at Sun Microsystems. Co-author of Head First Java, the book which taught me Java. Founder of the JavaRanch online community.

6, Rod Johnson.
Rod is the creator of the Spring Framework, co-founder, and former CEO of SpringSource. Author of Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development. Co-author of Professional Java Development with the Spring Framework and Expert One-on-One J2EE Development without EJB. On the board of Typesafe, Neo4J, and ElasticSearch.

7. Gavin King
He is the creator of the Hibernate ORM framework and JBoss Seam. Currently leading the Ceylon project (Ceylon is a language that is interoperable with Java).

8. James Strachan
James is the creator of the Groovy language, which is used with JVM-based frameworks such as Grails and Gradle. Strachan is a member of the Apache Software Foundation and co-founded projects such as Apache Camel, Apache ServiceMix, and ActiveMQ. He currently works at Red Hat.

9. Martin Fowler
Martin Fowler is another popular Java personality and an expert in software development, specializing in object-oriented analysis and design, UML, patterns, and agile software development. He is also the author of a couple of popular Java books like Enterprise Integration pattern.

10. Uncle Bob Robert Martin
Popularly known as Uncle Bob who is also the author of some of the popular software craftsmanship books like Clean Code, Clean Coder, and Clean Architecture. You should follow him for thoughts, advice, and articles on software craftsmanship and best practices.

11. Adam Bien 
As a Java champion, Adam is a great person to follow. I've been keeping up with all the news from this week's JAX conference by following him on Twitter

12. Martin Thompson
High-performance and low-latency computing specialist. Formerly CTO of LMAX, which he co-founded. He is also the author of the Disrupter framework.

13. Eugen Paraschiv
Eugen is passionate about spreading his knowledge. He's a platform architect at Uptake, and his site Baeldung makes him a go-to for all things Spring. He is also the creator of Learn Spring: The Certification Class, one of the best resources to learn Spring 5 and Spring Boot 2 from scratch, in a guided, code-focused way and he manages other courses and excellent resources on Baeldung.

That's all about people Java developers should follow on Twitter. They often tweet news, insightful articles, and things about Java which you will love and also learn Java on the way. Thanks for reading this article, if you like this article then please share it with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback then please drop a note.

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P.S. -  If you like you can also follow me (@javinpaul) and @Javarevisited on Twitter too :-)

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