Top 7 Free Udemy Courses to Learn React in 2025 - Best of Lot

React.js, React JS, or React is one of the most popular frameworks or JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces. It's backed by Facebook, and it's often viewed as an alternative to the tremendous Angular framework by Google. React is also very flexible, fast, easy to learn, and fun to work with. It is designed to make the process of building modular, reusable user interface components simple and intuitive and that's why most of the modern GUI and web applications are build using the React framework. It is developed at Facebook and it focuses on the 'View' aspect of MVC in web applications. The component-based development is one of the biggest advantages of the React library which is both rich and extensible.

React was built for the purpose of developing applications that are large in nature and have to deal with time-changing data.  So if you need a fast refresh, like updating individual components without updating the whole DOM, then React is the right framework.

Once you know, React, you can also use that knowledge to build native mobile applications for iPhone, iPad, and Android smartphones using React Native, which allows you to write native mobile apps using JavaScript.

Unlike Ionic or Cordova, React Native doesn't run as a web application or on the WebView, instead it uses native components, which makes it much more appealing.

You also don't need to spend time learning Java or Kotlin for Android app development and Swift or Objective C for writing iOS applications, you can create mobile applications by writing JavaScript code and using the React-Native framework.

In short, React is a high-performance, reactive UI library for client-side web applications. If you have a goal to learn the React framework this year, then you have come to the right place. I have earlier shared best React courses, Websites, Projects and React Developer RoadMap, and today, I'll share some of the free courses to learn React JS online. You can join these online training courses to learn to React at your own pace.

Anyway, let's checkout the best free courses and tutorials to learn Rect.js in 2025

7 Best Udemy Courses to Learn React.js Online for FREE

Here is my list of some of the free courses to learn the React framework for web development. These courses are free of cost, but they are really great to get an overview of React and start your journey.

Once you have gone through these courses, you should have enough knowledge to use React in your project.  You can also pick up a book to learn React in-depth, and that will make more sense because you already know the fundamentals and vocabulary of React.

Actually, this is what I do when I have to learn something in-depth. Start with an online course, get up to speed, and then read a book to consolidate your knowledge, learn a concept in-depth, and become a master of technology.

1. React JS Frontend Web Development for Beginners [Free]

This 2 hour 49 minute long free React course and tutorial will teach you basic and core concepts that you need to know to get up and running with ReactJS.

Also, in this course, it will get you up to speed quickly with easy-to-follow short videos. It is project-oriented with hands-on examples, from simple to complex, that will help you with the most fundamentals concepts of React like React custom syntax, and the JSX transform components, properties and state, and the power of the virtual DOM.

In short, a great course for anyone who wants to learn to React without much knowledge of HTML or CSS, btw, if you can spend few bucks like $10 then I also suggest you join the  React - The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux) course by Maximillian Schwarzmuller of AcadMind. 

It covers React, Redux, and React Router, and even the new Hooks API. He has also re-recorded the whole course to keep it up-to-date with the latest React changes.

5 Free React courses for web developers to learn online

2. React vs. Angular vs. Vue.js by Example [Free Course]

With all of the various JavaScript libraries and frameworks, you might be a little bit confused as to where to begin. Right now, the three powerhouses in the JavaScript world are React, Angular, and Vue.js.

Sometimes, the best course of action is to make up your own mind based on your own experiences. And that's exactly what this course will aim to do.

We're going to design and develop a single-page app in React, Angular, and Vue.js. The goal here is to help you determine which workflow you like best based on your own needs and preferences.

3. React.js: Getting Started [Pluralsight Free Trial]

This is an awesome course to learn the basics of React.js from Pluralsight. This course prepares the student to start developing web applications with the React JS library.

If you don't know, React.js is an open-source JavaScript library for creating user interfaces with a focus on the UI that's abstracted from the DOM, and one-way reactive data flow.

The course will explain using an example web application on how to use React.js in your web application. This course is only free for this month or when occasionally when Pluralsight runs their Pluralsight free weekend offer.  Alternatively, you can access this course for free anytime by joining their 10-day-free trial

free React courses for web developers

4. React Fundamentals [Free Udemy Course]

This is another excellent free course from Udemy to learn about the React framework from scratch. This free online course covers the features offered by React and explains their advantages and disadvantages relative to the other popular options available.

It also explores important topics like React's one-way reactive data flow, the virtual DOM, and JSX syntax for describing markup.

Here are the things you will learn in this course:
  • Fundamental React concepts 
  • How to use some of ES6/ES7 JavaScript features
  • How to use de-facto standard routing solution for React applications
  • How to use React Router Maintain
  • How to organize your React codebase

This 1-hour free course is really nice to start with React.js, you will not only learn how React.js works but also how to use them in your project immediately. More than 35,000 students have already joined this free React course on Udemy.  Whether you are a beginner or full-stack Java developer, or someone who knows JavaScript, you can use this course to learn React and add an in-demand skill to your CV. 

free React JS courses for Java developers

5. Building Applications with React and Flux [Pluralsight Free Trial]

Another great course to start with React, React Router, and Flux by building a real-world style data-driven application that manages Pluralsight author data.

This course uses a modern client-side development stack, including Node, Browserify, Gulp, and Bootstrap.

Btw, this course and other Pluralsight courses are not completely free. You need a Pluralsight membership to access these courses, but don't worry.  If you can afford it, Pluralsight membership is completely worthy of its money. 

By paying just around $29, you get access to more than 5000 courses on the latest and greatest technologies, and more importantly, you can access all Pluralsight courses for free this month. They are running their Free April promotion which is a great opportunity to check out Pluralsight courses.  

If you go for an annual membership, it cost around $299, which is also a very good price for these many courses and continued learning.  Pluralsight also provides a 10-day free trial., which you can use to check out the quality of the courses before joining. 

5 Free React courses for web developers to learn online

6. React JS Crash Course For Beginners [Free]

This is another free online course to learn React.js on Udemy. As the title suggest this is a 2-hour long React.js crash course for busy developers who wants to learn React quickly. 

Created by Sangam Mukherjee this free React course will teach you fundamental React concepts,  how to master React Context and hooks, and how to build projects using React.js

You will learn about functional components in React, Props and state management, how React works, lifecycle methods, how to handle events, and how to use API to connect and load data from web etc. 

Along the way, you will also learn important hooks from React Hook API like useEffect, useContext, useReducer, and useRef in depth. 

Overall a great free tutorial to learn React.js for beginners in 2025. Talking about social proof, this is one of the highest rated free course on Udemy with on average 4.7 rating. More than 3300 students have already joined this course and you can also do the same to learn React for frontend development for free. 

best free tutorial to learn React.js for beginners

7.  React Basics by Meta [Coursera Free Course]

This is another awesome course to learn React.js for Frontend development from Coursera and Meta. If you know most of the Coursera courses are free to audit where you can access all course material for learning purposes except assessments and certification which makes Coursera a great place to learn new technologies and essential skills like React and Frontend for FREE. 

In this course, you will learn about the React library, what is React, how it works, and how you can use it to build reusable components using React. You also know about key React concepts like virtual DOM, statement managements, hooks, states, and props. 

Here are the key skills you will learn in this free React Course from Coursera:
1. how to do client-side JavaScript development using React
2. how to create single-page applications or SPA using React
3. How to use React components and Forms
4. How to design responsive web applications using React.js and Reactstrap
5. How to use Redux for statement management. 
6. How to implement a fully functional frontend using React

This course is also part of the Meta Front-End Developer Professional Certificate which is a collection of courses to learn React for frontend development and also one of the most popular professional certificate on Coursera. 

Talking about social proof, more than 97K people have already joined this program and it has on average 4.7 rating which is amazing. 

Free Coursera Course to learn React.js for beginners

If you need a certification then you can join that specialization. It cost around $39 per month. Alternatively, you can also take Coursera Plus, a subscription plan from Coursera which provides unlimited access to certifications and specialization. 

That's all about some of the best Udemy and Coursera courses to learn React JS for free. React is backed by Facebook, and it's the biggest competitor of Google's Angular framework. If you are serious about web development in 2025, then React is one of the important frameworks to learn.

You can also use your React knowledge to develop native mobile applications for Android and iOS using React Native, which allows you to write a mobile application in JavaScript. A framework like Redux also makes your job easy while developing a modern GUI.

You can also combine this course with our latest free courses to learn React Hooks and Context API to learn advanced and new React concepts.

Other Free Online Courses You May like to explore

Thanks for reading this article so far.  If you like these best free React framework courses, then please share it with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback, then please drop a comment.

P. S. - If you don't mind spending a few bucks for learning something as valuable as React, then you should also take a look at React - The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux) course by Maximillian Schwarzmuller of AcadMind. It covers React, Redux, and React Router, and even the new Hooks API. He has also re-recorded the whole course to keep it up-to-date with the latest React changes. You won't any more courses if you join this.


  1. Thank you for collecting fresh tutorials about React.

    What about non-video courses to learn React?

    In my opinion, learn programming from tutorials in text form is faster than watching video (and you can easy go back any time without rewind video).

    For Angular there is very good official tutorial:

    Official tutorial for React exists (, but it isn't very helpful. it's drawbacks:
    1. It shows how to create game Tic-Tac-Toe. It is not real use case (most of developers creates forms, webpages, apps etc.).
    2. It is only tutorial about React library. Angular is framework, so you can create entire app - and Angular's official tutorial shows complete use case. For React you have to use additional libraries, such as Redux, Fetch/Axios etc. Official tutorial don't cover this.

    In your course list 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th have the same drawback as second drawback of official React tutorial. It means these are courses about React library only (not about all additional libraries required for real project).
    Only 5th course of you list cover more what React developer should know (React library, Flux/Redux, React Router, Webpack etc.). But it doesn't fit for me because it video course instead of text based course.

    PS. I think in next year (2020, now we have end of 2019) will be created more fresh courses about React. You are going to update this post or create new?

    1. Yes, indeed, I'll add some interactive text based courses as well.

  2. The first react learning video you recommend you cannot even understand him because this guy doesn't really know English, which means that I have no faith in your other recommendations

  3. If you wish for to increase your knowledge only keep visiting
    this site and be updated with the most recent news
    posted here.


Feel free to comment, ask questions if you have any doubt.