Sunday, September 10, 2017

XML Interview questions and answers for programmer

XML Interview questions and answers for programmer
What is XML ?
Difference between DTD and XML Schema?
What is Xpath ?
What is XSLT?
What is element and attribute in XML?
What is meaning of well formed XML ?
What is benefit of using XML ?
What is XML namespace? Why it's important?
Difference between DOM and SAX parser ?
What is a CDATA section in XML?
What is SOAP and how does it relate to XML?
What is XML data Binding ?
What is XML binding ? How to you bind XML document into Java objects?
What is XML Parsing? Which XML parsers have you used ?
What is difference between DOM and SAX parsers?
What is XPATH ? Can you run XPATh expression in Java ? How?
Does Java supports XSLT? How will you do XSLT transformation in Java?
How to write xsl stylesheet to remove an attribute from xml document?
Which Java open source library have you used for XML processing?
What is xml beans? have you used it?
Which packages are related to XML functionalities in Java?
What is difference between DTD and Schema?
What are xml namespaces? how do you resolve conflicts?
What are the issues you faced while doing XML processing in Java? 

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