Saturday, July 23, 2016

Top 5 OCPJP7 books for 1Z0-804 and 1Z0-805 Exam - Java SE 7 II Certification

You may know that from Java SE 7 onwards, you need to pass two exams to become a certified Java developer e.g. OCAJP and OCPJP. The first one is an associate-level exam and it's rather easy to pass, but the second one OCPJP is a professional level exam and it's much harder than OCAJP. If you are giving the Oracle Java certification then you should know that you need to pass OCAJP before taking the OCPJP exam. This is also the second part of an article about books to prepare Java SE 7 certifications. In the first part, I have shared the best books for OCAJP7 and in this part, I am going to share the best books for the OCPJP7 exam.